1. Editorial
Series Editors
J. Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies,3(2)(2023), 51.
Flank D. M. Bezerra . Severino H. da Silva . Dennys J. C. Silva
Received in final form on March 14, 2023
Abstract : In this paper, we study a nonlocal approximation class for a classical nonlocal evolution equation in an unbounded domain associated with the continuum limit of one-dimensional Ising spin systems with Glauber dynamics and Kac potentials. The existence and upper semicontinuity of compact global attractors are proved for the approximations with respect to the functional parameters, which converge to hyperbolic tangent function on the real line. ... >>More
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S. P. Hatkar . S. D. Katore
Received in final form on March 16, 2023
Abstract : In this paper, we propose viscous anisotropic dark energy in the context of the General theory of relativity. Hypersurface homogeneous space-time is taken as geometry to evaluate the field equations of general relativity. The hybrid law of expansion is employed to obtain the solutions of the field equations. It is found that the equation of state parameter is in the range of observational data. Viscosity plays a significant role in the evolution of the universe. ... >>More
Views: 91 Downloads: 16
Shreya Satija . Anindita Saha . Ashish Poonia . Siddhartha P. Chakrabarty
Received in final form on March 20, 2023
Abstract : We describe a deterministic and a stochastic model to understand the dynamics of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The deterministic model comprises the interaction between leukemic cells at their different stages in CML and the autologous immune response. For this, we consider a system of ordinary differential equations, estimate its parameters and present the stability analysis for the existing equilibrium points. The results obtained are illustrated through appropriate numerical simulations ... >>More
Views: 227 Downloads: 35
Severino H. da Silva . Hugo Saraiva Tavares
Received in final form on March 18, 2023
Abstract : In this paper, we explore a non-local evolution equation commonly used in models of neuronal activity, represented by ∂η(x, t) /∂t = −η(x, t) + J ∗ (f ◦ η)(x, t) + h(x), where h(x) > 0. We demonstrate the existence of nontrivial periodic equilibrium solutions under reasonable assumptions about the functions f, J, and h. For this purpose, we utilize an energy functional and the LaSalle's Invariance Principle. ... >>More
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